![Inspiring space - a restaurant in Cork that is now doing a roaring take-home business](https://img.resized.co/houseandhome/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL21lZGlhLmhvdXNlYW5kaG9tZS5pZVxcXC91cGxvYWRzXFxcLzIwMjBcXFwvMDVcXFwvMTkxMjQ1NDhcXFwvTmFvbWlLYW1hdFBob3RvZ3JhcGh5X1RoZV9HbGFzc19DdXJ0YWluXzAwOC5qcGdcIixcIndpZHRoXCI6NzUwLFwiaGVpZ2h0XCI6NTAxLFwiZGVmYXVsdFwiOlwiaHR0cHM6XFxcL1xcXC93d3cuaG91c2VhbmRob21lLmllXFxcL2lcXFwvbm9JbWFnZS5wbmdcIixcIm9wdGlvbnNcIjp7XCJvdXRwdXRcIjpcImF2aWZcIixcInF1YWxpdHlcIjo2MH19IiwiaGFzaCI6ImY5MTkwODk2NjhhODRiMDQ5MTYwMjNlOTM2OWQzYWQzZGM2NTE1ZDkifQ==/inspiring-space-a-restaurant-in-cork-that-is-now-doing-a-roaring-take-home-business.jpg)
A moody, vibey feel is central to the design of The Glass Curtain which is one of Cork’s most recent arrivals. Even though they can't currently operate in the normal way, they have joined the restaurant at home movement and are now serving up a storm.
Photography Naomi Kamat
A former bakery, the Glass Curtain is located on Cork’s MacCurtain St, a city thoroughfare that’s experiencing a cultural and foodie renaissance. A metamorphosis has hit the street – as well as this building – which dates back to 1826. “It wasn't hard to find inspiration,” designer Cathy Angelini says of the sleek scheme she’s created. “After an afternoon of rummaging in the attic, we found many pieces of history from the building’s past that inspired the design.”
Cake labels and amber bottles of Morello cherry essence gave Cathy inspiration for a colour scheme that uses rich velvets, patinated copper and polished brass. “The building itself provided beautiful old details that I wanted to leave untouched to create a balance between raw and refined,” she says. “The bar is the real showpiece. You're greeted by the beautiful curved end as you walk in the door, accentuated by the reeded walnut profile and polished brass plinth. It urges you to take note of the details and finishes all around and invites you into the space."
Thompson House, MacCurtain Street, Cork; Theglasscurtain.ie. For take out bookings tel 021 451 8659.