As Vogue reveals best and worst-selling covers, we're asking you to rate ours

As Vogue reveals best and worst-selling covers, we're asking you to rate ours

magazine covers - rate amber

Last week British Vogue ed Alexandra Shulman revealed the magazine's best - and worst - selling covers at at a talk entitled Fashion and Fantasy at a ToMax event she was speaking at, and the results might surprise you.

The much-vaunted Adele cover was a poor performer, she said, and was in fact Vogue's worst ever seller. Its best? "'Our most successful cover was the millennium issue," she said, adding, "which didn't have anyone on it, but acted like a mirror so you could see your own reflection!"  The upshot? What's hot in popular culture doesn't necessarily translate into sales on the newsstands.

So, we reckoned that was all pretty interesting stuff actually and wanted to know how you'd rate House and Home's covers as a result. Here are our nine most recent - why not take our survey below giving us your favourites - you can choose multiples, so pick as many as you like. Have fun - and leave us a comment too, we always enjoy hearing your thoughts.


(Don't forget to click 'finish survey'!)

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